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Katherine is a people person by nature, and a change agent by calling. She devoted herself to the pursuit of purpose in the year 2016 when she transitioned from her job as a quickly developing Human Resources and Legal Assistant in offshore banking to pursue the unpredictable path of Ministry.

Her transition to the fateful yet unpredictable path of ministry birthed ‘Purpose Made Me Do It’, a(unregistered) faith-based, non-profit organization that is founded on the belief that the pursuit of purpose through faith, hope, and community is a fundamental part of the human experience. Since its inception, the organization has been geared mostly toward empowering girls, but in recent years has also established a philanthropic arm specifically designed to accommodate and facilitate outreach initiatives locally.

Katherine’s passion for girls and women’s ministry perhaps began in her own home where she is theeldest of five. She has serves as a leader among her siblings, youth groups and strives to live a life that testifies of the power of intentionality. Her natural influence in the lives of young women has led her to speak at and interact with young girls and women from local orphanages, schools and juvenile homes. She has taken this passion for people into the field of Counseling and is currently studying to become a certified Life Coach. And in order to serve her purpose more fully, Katherine continues to pursue higher education in business, Philanthropy, and NGO Management.

Katherine is a visionary and has developed several means, all under the umbrella of her organization andpersonal brand to reach a broad audience. The ‘Girl Bosses Empowerment Party’ focuses each year onthe holistic growth of teenage girls, The Authentic Woman is a community of women aged 18 and older who are pursuing their wholeness and identity by facing their fears and learning together, and Project Gideon is the philanthropic arm of Purpose Made Me Do It, focused on community engagement, outreach, and building hope through service.

Katherine is an engaging and accomplished communicator, event host, panelist, moderator and preacher, and has had the opportunity to spread the message of purpose to varied age groups at localchurches, youth groups, women’s gatherings, business summits and abroad in the US and Africa. Her propensity for compassion and cultural awareness has shaped her into an adaptable and wise woman of faith.

Katherine was born and raised in Nassau, Bahamas, but has adapted a world perspective that is far beyond the shores of her island home, making her accessible to people from all cultures and walks of life. Away from the pulpit, Katherine is incredibly devoted to healthy, whole families. She strives to lead by example and promote Kingdom family values in word and deed. She uses her influence to further promote the importance of faith in a more relatable and relevant ways. In addition to her passion for faith, she is passionate about sincere friendships, the advancement of perspective through travel, beauty, lifelong learning, and one of the most delightful aspects of the human experience: delicious, healthy food.

She laughs often, loves deeply, and truly believes that with faith, all things are possible.