Shakeisha C. Johnson, is a dynamic young woman who has harnessed her desire for inner healing into a challenge that has changed the lives of many all across the nation and internationally. She is no doubt a trailblazer and one that has been anointed by God to do great things in the earth. Above all, she considers being a wife and mother as her first assignment; second only to her relationship with The Lord.
She is the CEO and founder of Cross My Heart Ministry and has blazed a unique trail that has opened a platform unique and powerful in its own rite. As a mentor, author, life coach and speaker; God has opened many doors for her to change the world; one heart at a time.
Her love and passion for God is evident to all that she comes in contact with. She served as a mentor of Club eNue – St. Annes Chapter, where she is helping youth appreciate, embrace and release their inner greatness.
Shakeisha’s purpose is to minister healing and deliverance through both written and the spoken word. She believes strongly in the quote by Marianne Willamson that says “We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.”